Inukshuk Farm
Celebrating 27 years in 2024
Our farm is located on a beautiful family owned property close to Peterborough. We offer an indoor riding arena, outdoor sand ring, round pen and groomed farm trails through hay fields, wooded areas and across streams. We do not offer public trail riding or riding lessons but rather provide an enjoyable horse property for our horse boarding clients.
Owners, Janice and Miles Ecclestone offer individualized care for each horse.
Inukshuk offers a quieter, more private space for clients. Visitors are always welcome at Inukshuk Farm as we enjoy sharing our enthusiasm and love for horses but only by appointment.
We chose Inukshuk as the name of our Farm acknowledging Miles’ decades of research (on glaciers) in the Canadian Arctic.
The Inukshuk (pronounced IN-OOK-SHOOK) meaning “in the image of man”, are magnificent lifelike figures of stone which were erected by the Inuit people and are unique to the Canadian Arctic. Standing across Canada’s North, they endure as eternal symbols of leadership, encouraging the importance of friendship and reminding us of our dependence upon one another.